Exodus – 1.0

The best way to start is by leaving right?

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7 thoughts on “Exodus – 1.0

    I was here at the beginning, and I can’t say how unbelievably excited I am for this comic.
    I absolutely can’t wait for more!

  2. In the beginning, there was T3rm and I.
    In the end, it will still be t3rm and I. We shall support you all the way! Full steam ahead! This is going to be great!

  3. Can’t wait to see where this goes!

  4. So excited to see all the work that’s been poured into this come to fruition!

  5. May the stars guide you in your voyage to beyond the universe’s veil.

    I’m excited for this! Very nice:D

  6. ready for launch! Looking forward to seeing the story that goes with the bits and pieces of concept art I’ve seen 🙂

  7. LET’S GO!
    looking forward to the story as it unveils itself, very excited!

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