Exodus – 1.20

Okay, so fun fact about this page.

I mapped out and did sketches for this page, and just as I was about to start inking, I realized I'd made a terrible mistake.

I'd forgotten that the posture of the planet-side whaleship meant that this room would be on a pretty steep *angle*. I had drawn it as if the ship was under thrust, but right now, the ship is hunched over! This room is about halfway down, RIGHT in the curve. 

For about 5 minutes I sat there, staring at my screen, contemplating just going ahead with it - I was already behind in my buffer! But I knew, I *knew* that it would annoy me forever if I didn't fix it, even if this was *significantly* harder to draw.

For the record, the floor looks like stair right now, but that's just because it adjusts itself based on where gravity is - they're flush when the ship is under thrust!

Probably my first update in the gap between chapter 1 and 2 will be some concept art, including the blueprints for the whaleship! 

One thought on “Exodus – 1.20

  1. Ah the good ol’ protruding fleshblob security system. One squelch and you’re in… or if you’re unauthorized it simply eats your hand. (I figure it’s actually part of the whaleship biology. Like a door-opening toebean)

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